Karen A. Clark
to Speak at the 2019
Stockholders Convention

Karen A. Clark, Multicultural Strategies Manager at City National Bank, creates marketing and advertising strategies to win diverse clients; and internally, she manages diversity & inclusion. Preceding City National, she spent 3 years building U.S. Bank’s multicultural marketing department, after managing their CRA for S. CA.
Punch TV Studios is bringing together the “International Master Mind Group in Financing”
She is an actor, singer, songwriter, & producer. Her sophomore album, the Karen A. Clark Project, is available on iTunes and all digital outlets. The 3rd album and book are due 2019. Her musical revue, “Love Stories – Tales of An African Queen”, utilizes a storytelling backdrop and relatable themes. She debuted the show to a sold out house in July 2018 and will be touring throughout 2019. Her 1 woman theatrical show “The Women” has been produced numerous times locally and out of state.
She served as development director for non-profit Operation HOPE 5 years; raising $4-6mm a year, on a combined restricted unrestricted basis. She helped to fund and open 11 offices nationally.
Prior to HOPE – several roles at BofA, from comm’l r.e. construction financing, to corporate diversity. In that role, for 4 years, she interfaced with and trained managers how to increase bottom line productivity by managing inclusion.
Karen serves non-profit boards – Educating Young Minds; Duke Media (financial ed. Director); PCR sbdc; Streetlights; LA Women’s Theatre Fest. She speaks frequently and coaches on personal branding, inclusive leadership, and multicultural marketing.
She studied digital analytics (Columbia Business School ’19); strategic marketing management (Harvard Business School ‘16); BA in economics (CSUS). She holds numerous awards including Diversity Leadership – Nat’l Diversity Council 2019; Corporate Board Leader – NAWRB 2019; Vanguard award – “LA’s Most Influential African Americans” 2017; Diversity Leadership – CA Diversity Council 2015. She was instrumental to City National to achieve Forbes “Best Employer for Diversity” 2018 & 2019.