Joseph Collins Defeats Homeless Stats To Launch $500 Million Global Stock Offering

According to a Reuters report, there are over 500,000 people that are homeless in the U.S. and the odds of overcoming homelessness are rare for some that are afflicted. Joseph Collins, CEO of Punch TV Studios, was part of this homeless population statistic after his battle with unemployment.

“It was a period of extreme turmoil and devastation when I lived on Los Angeles’ Skid Row section. It was a journey of desperation I will never forget. In fact, I would often be so hungry that I contemplated cooking the rats that ran across the floor of the room in which I stayed periodically,” Collins said. Finally finding his way out, Collins connected with an agency that provided training.

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David C. Adams to Speak at the 2019 Stockholders Convention

David C. Adams
to Speak at the 2019
Stockholders Convention

David Adams to speaks the Punch TV Studios Shareholders Convention 2019

David C. Adams is a master at successfully navigating extensive financial concepts from business plans to lesson plans.

Punch TV Studios is bringing together the “International Master Mind Group in Financing”

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Punch TV Studios


  Punch TV Studios is a production and broadcast company committed to producing unique high-quality films and television programs (our “Content”) through our state-of-the-art production studio. Our core business model is to license and distribute our content to broadcasters and distributors all over the world. The Studio consists of: Read Article