Punch TV Studios Celebrates National Speech and Debate Day

February 25, 2017

March 3rd marks the annual celebration of National Speech and Debate Education Day! Created in 1925, the National Speech and Debate Association encourages support for students participating in speech and debate activities across the country, and ultimately provides youth a voice in their communities.

With the age of content and speech evolving at a pace more rapid than ever, it is imperative for the media to recognize the power of the community.

The publicly-traded media company Punch TV Studios prioritizes youth empowerment through the distribution of its diverse and unique content on a national scale, seeking to inspire every single viewer it reaches. CEO Joseph Collins launched his company’s initial public offering in June 2016, after becoming qualified by the United States and Securities Exchange Commission (SEC).

Current projections estimate the company will generate more than half a billion dollars in annual revenue by year 4 post the IPO.

“The creative young minds of today are hugely instrumental in shaping the future of not only the media industry, but every other innovative field as we know it,” said Punch TV Studios CEO, Joseph Collins.

The Punch TV Studios platform aims to be the ‘unfiltered voice of the people’, highlighting a number of community issues including gang violence, economic disparity, and police brutality. Added to this, Punch TV Studios advocates for the community, and the need to be proactive to improve and secure a strong future for the youth of today.

You can also join us by becoming a shareholder for just $1. Unite with the Punch TV Studios family by purchasing your stock today!

To find out more information or to become a stockholder with Punch TV Studios visit their website at PunchTVStudios.com. Follow us on Nabukie and Twitter #PUNCHTVSTUDIOS #WALLSTREET #2017IPO

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