Programas de prácticas de Punch TV Studios

Punch TV Studios se regocija al anunciar el lanzamiento de su programa de pasantías para estudiantes actuales y recién graduados. Esta rigurosa pasantía está dirigida a estudiantes y jóvenes profesionales que buscan dejarse llevar por la industria del entretenimiento. Estamos dedicados a retribuir a la comunidad y eso comienza con armar el futuro del mañana con las herramientas necesarias para tener más que éxito en sus respectivas trayectorias profesionales.
Read ArticlePunch TV Studios Internship Programs

Punch TV Studios is overjoyed to announce the launch of its internship program for current students and recent graduates. This rigorous internship is aimed at students and young professionals looking to get their feet wet in the entertainment industry. We are dedicated to giving back to the community and that starts with arming the future of tomorrow with the tools necessary to be more than successful in their respective career paths.
Read ArticlePunch TV Studios to Kickoff Mentoring Program for Homeless Interested in Media Production
Joseph Collins, CEO of Punch TV Studios, wants to give back to the community he once called home. A resident of the streets of Los Angeles’ Skid Row over 20 years ago, Collins knows exactly what it feels like to be considered homeless. But homelessness did not stop this business mogul.
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